Future of Journalism and Parallels to Music

Journalism’s transformation in the digital age has been incredible to watch, and we’re far from it shaking out. Measured by traditional advertising dollars flowing into print media, the industry has been decimated with revenue falling to levels not seen since 1950. Have you ever seen a drop-off so steep?

Advertising freefall

Source: Carpe Diem

I thought we had it bad in the music industry. Our global revenue of recorded music went from almost $30B in 1999 to $15B today, but it’s nothing like the precipitous fall of newspaper advertising. In the music industry we have reached the nadir of the industry free-fall and are finally on the upswing. The real debate is if we’ll be moving beyond our historic highs from 1999. The music industry will go well beyond that point. People are using more services to enjoy recorded music, and they can all track, report, and monetize all the attention we giving to it.  This is compounded by the growing level of access online and across devices. Everyone can tell that music has become more pervasive in our lives.  The music industry is truly a $100B business trapped in a $16B shell today. When looking at journalism, however, I do not see a similar leveling out nor can I get a sense for how big the new models will be. I’m not even sure what those winning models are or how journalists will adapt and evolve like artists have in the music industry.

It’s easy to revel in the web’s democratizing power of real-time information access. Anyone can gather information, report on facts, and publish an informed viewpoint nearly instantaneously. More often than not, these atomic units of journalism are not sufficiently researched or well written, but they deliver on our immediate need for news and information. Traditional newsrooms can’t compete and are closing shop. Clay Shirky points this out poignantly in his article Last Call, which is highly recommended reading if you want a brutal awakening on the realities of the journalism industry. Clay gives a heartfelt perspective on the impact of newspapers closing and journalists losing their jobs.

The death of newspapers is sad, but the threatened loss of journalistic talent is catastrophic. If that’s you, it’s time to learn something outside the production routine of your current job. It will be difficult and annoying, your employer won’t be much help, and it may not even work, but we’re nearing the next great contraction. If you want to get through it, doing almost anything will be better than doing almost nothing.

The question is how journalists will survive? The best at their craft play an essential role in shaping our collective knowledge and culture. Their insights are informed by a vantage point not many are able to achieve. Most have a mastery of the written word that inspires us into action or sends us into deep reflection on relevant topics and issues.

Mathew Ingram‘s take is that we’re in a golden age of journalism. He recently published a great response to the recent articles on the decline of the print media business:

Some argue that the rise of the internet has destroyed — or severely crippled — journalism, but all it has really done is disrupted traditional mass-media business models. Journalism itself has never been healthier, and new players are finding new models. [What many are] complaining about is the failure of a specific business model for funding journalism, not the decline of journalism itself.

As more media is produced than ever before, is there a way to support journalists by letting them earn for their expertise and critical thinking beyond writing articles for publications? Could we tap their knowledge and perspective in a mutually reinforcing way and let them support others in the creative process? Can journalists find income streams detached from declining news organizations and connect directly to others who would benefit from their attention? These are my initial questions as I learn about the journalism industry.

We’re seeing journalists use Fluence as a utility to manage their inbound media submissions, and some are experimenting with letting producers and brands send them media and rough ideas for their thoughts and advice. Can we generate a meaningful income stream for journalists by harnessing their expertise and feedback? How best to help them earn for the value they create beyond writing articles? If done well it could supplement the lives of journalists and other curators so they can continue playing their crucial role as our trusted sources.

I’m keen on tackling these problems given the parallels between journalism and music. Each requires talent and tenacity to do their craft well. Both have been massively impacted positively and negatively by digital and web technologies. Our culture and society thrive when both are supported and appreciated. Reading a cogent article can move you to tears, mobilize you to fight, or can challenge the status quo in a way that changes life forever. We all know the power of music and how an incredible song can bring so much emotion, joy, and energy into our lives. Both move humanity forward and are essential in helping us all connect on a higher level.

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Particle Fever

I saw a great documentary on Netflix yesterday called Particle Fever about the Large Hadron Collider built by the venerable CERN. It’s a super interesting look at literally the biggest machine humans have ever made by the institution that birthed the Web. It’s truly a remarkable feat and one that has had the entire field of physics in unified rapture. The movie speaks to both the theoretical and experimental camps of physicists who come together around the LHC to determine the existence of the Higgs particle. The thresholds in the data determine if the new particle discovery will lead us into one of two different theoretical directions in physics: supersymmetry or multiverse. The ending climaxed with the measurement presentation of the new particles and what it means to the Higgs Boson reality and the post-standard model world of physics. Peter Higgs was shown in the movie as the results were presented, and the outcome was celebrated, not for its conclusiveness, but rather its validation that we are just beginning to scratch the surface of “everything.” It was amazing to see that moment documented. Peter Higgs cried, and it was very moving. Check out the trailer below, and watch it on Netflix if you’re a subscriber.


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Gilligan Moss – Choreograph

Just heard this fun, fresh track on BBC 6Music during Lauren Laverne’s show. One of the benefits of being married to a British lady with great music taste is being showered with good tunes as she flips through her library of music cialis without prescription canada and favorite radio broadcast from the UK. This one caught me quick in a way that made me stop what I’m doing, lean forward, and figure out more about this artist and where to get the tune. This track is called Choregraph and is from Gilligan Moss. I couldn’t find much about Gilligan Moss on the music services or generally on the web, but regardless, I hope the music keeps flowing from this source. The track has a lot of bleeping and bouncing around of sounds. At first I didn’t know if I was getting agitated, going a bit insane, or being coaxed into a fun little groove. It’s kind of like being inside a pinball machine, bouncing around soft sounds with a slightly discernable pattern and rhythm. At the end of it, I didn’t want the ride to end.

It doesn’t seem to be on the streaming services, so I’m sharing it here via Soundcloud. Looking forward to hearing more from Gilligan Moss. Please keep it coming.

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Beardyman has been hailed by the BBC as a “King of Sound, Ruler of Beats” for his amazing skills at beat boxing, looping, and general music making. When I was living in London, I heard of the legend of Beardyman from an agent while working out of the Topspin office at William Morris in Soho. I quickly realized why the “legendary” status was bestowed on Beardyman when I saw videos of him performing and heard his tracks. Beardyman  released his album in 2011, “I Done an Album,” which I thought was a wonderful work of art in sound and hilarity. The funny clips in between tracks made me crack up and the cross-genre tracks showed Beardyman’s diverse skills as a master of sound. I couldn’t find an embed of the album to post, but . It has may levels with a variety of styles and genres. A video for one of his tracks, Vampire Skank, is below. The song starts with a skit and then goes into some heavy wup wup wup dubstep with an ironic twist. I got a lot out of that track in 2011.

What really motivated me to post about him today was the Beardyman TED talk video embedded below. It shows the genius and skills of Beardyman and speaks to what can be achieved when the technology is good enough to represent precisely what’s going on his mind. #MadRespect for Beardyman.


A video of one of my favorite Beardyman tracks, Vampire Skank (warning: heavy dubstep mid-way through). Devilishly cheeky.


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